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Home Jersey trousers, slip on style, chino, FLEXNAMIC®, business, mix-and-match NEW YORK, up to 8 XL

Jersey trousers, slip on style, chino, FLEXNAMIC®, business, mix-and-match NEW YORK, up to 8 XL

Price: 139.99лв.
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Jersey trousers, chino trousers NEW YORK FLEXNAMIC®, extra elastic - combines a formal, well-groomed look with ultra-casual wearing comfort. Slip them on and feel comfortable - that no longer has anything to do with classic business trousers. High-quality trousers with a pull-on waistband and drawstring, 2 slit pockets and 2 back pockets. Slimmer fit for successful men. This modern look should not be missing in any wardrobe. Comfortably cut and in perfect shape with every movement. FLEXNAMIC® exclusive by JP1880 stands for absolute comfort through maximum freedom of movement and flexibility. The classic 5-pocket style impresses with high-quality details: buttons and rivets with high-quality JP1880 embossing.
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  • Material:
    71% памук, 23% полиестер, 6% еластан
  • Length:
    елегантен ежедневен - специална кройка до 8 XL, модерен панталон с плъзгаща се лента на талията, FLEXNAMIC® - патентован комфорт при носене, максимална свобода на движение и гъвкавост, дължина на крачола приблизително 81 cm.
  • Washing:
    Деликатно пране на 30°C, Да не се избелва, Гладене при ниска температура (110°C), Без химическо чистене, Да не се суши в сушилня
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