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Home Traveler Jeans

Traveler Jeans

Price: 139.99лв.
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Traveler Jeans, specially designed for on the go. Super comfortable with elastic side panels in the waistband that move with you, fit well and never feel constricting. Comfort and a casual denim look come together in this trendy 5-pocket jean with stretch for comfort when sitting for long periods of time. Regular fit: regular thigh and leg width, regular foot width. The addition of spandex makes these pants super comfortable, durable and year-round wearable.
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  • Material:
    98% памук, 2% еластан
  • Length:
    специално изрязване по размер 36/72, дънки за пътуване - колан със странични еластични вложки, нормална кройка, 5 джоба, разтеглив деним, вътрешен шев около 80-86 см.
  • Washing:
    Нормално пране на 30°C, Да не се избелва, Да не се суши в сушилня, Гладене без пара, Без химическо чистене
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