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Home Jeans Bermuda turn-up, belly fit

Jeans Bermuda turn-up, belly fit

Price: 119.99лв.
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Jeans-Bermuda FLEXNAMIC®, 5-pocket with folded hem and underbelly fit - sits lower at the front. Our JP1880 underbelly fit will convince you: waist height and fastening strip are shortened, nothing presses or restricts. The addition of elastane makes the pants super comfortable. Classic 5-pocket style with high-quality details: Comfort waistband with JP1880 logo, which makes sitting particularly comfortable. With embroidery on the back pockets. Buttons and rivets with high-quality JP1880 embossing. FLEXNAMIC® exclusive by JP1880 stands for absolute comfort through maximum freedom of movement and flexibility.
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  • Material:
    98% памук, 2% еластан
  • Length:
    Специално изрязване по размер 72, FLEXNAMIC®, максимална свобода на движение и гъвкавост, прилягане на корема - седи супер удобно под корема, подгъв с подгъване, вътрешен шев около 35-37 см.
  • Washing:
    Деликатно пране на 30°C, Да не се избелва, Да не се суши в сушилня, Гладене без пара, Без химическо чистене
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