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Home Newest March Lingerie Bellieva Wide Waistband Panty

Bellieva Wide Waistband Panty

Price: 25.99лв.
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Bellieva Wide Waistband Panty - real all-rounder. The skin-friendly material made of organic cotton with a low percentage of elastane hugs your feminine curves and offers a perfect fit and support thanks to the ingenious cut. These briefs with an extra wide waistband support the stomach and grow with you during pregnancy, making them ideal as maternity panties.  Bellieva is the first body-sensitive collection that not only helps pregnant women and moms, but also offers women clothing styles that have problems with their tummy area - for whatever reason. Super soft flexible fabrics, smart wide stretch cuffs and a variety of solutions that allow the designs to grow with you. Bellieva is the new brand for everyone whose body has tummy challenges.  
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  • Material:
    95% памук, 5% еластан, клин: 100% памук
  • Length:
    устойчив органичен памук, изключително широки, еластични маншети, усъвършенствана кройка за перфектно задържане, еластична и запазваща формата благодарение на съдържанието на еластан, втулка от чист памук
  • Washing:
    Нормално пране на 60°C, Да не се избелва, Сушене в сушилня при ниска температура (60°C), Гладене при средна температура (150°C), Без химическо чистене
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